Machines / Tools

Schüco LA 10Product List


Automatic locking bar machining with Schüco LA 10

The profile bar rod machine is designed for automated punching of the holes and for trimming Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart locking bars to length.
The locking bar calculation for the individual opening types and leaf sizes as well as for the individual resistance classes are automatically calculated with the aid of the Schüco Fabrication Data Center (FDC) and transferred via the network to the Schüco LA 10.
The unit machines the hybrid locking bar Art.-No. 277 876 and KS-locking bar Art.-No. 277 870 / 277 871.

Special feature

The machine can only be used in conjunction with Schüco Fabrication Data Center (FDC) with SchüCal network connection.

Schüco FDC is a large touch screen with an IT workstation for the workshop.

Using the QR code reader, the window elements are selected from SchüCal saw file and the locking bar specification is automatically calculated.

  • Efficient and automatic punching and trimming of locking bars
  • All opening types for resistance classes RC2, RC3 and standard
  • Can only be used in combination with Schüco FDC and network connection
  • QR code reader for recording the relevant element from SchüCal
  • Animation of fitting installation via Schüco FDC screen
  • Automatic outward transport of the locking bars
  • Schüco FDC PC control with 27” touch screen colour display
  • Punching tools exclusively for Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart

Technical Information

Machines / Tools
Cad Details
AKS TechDoc
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CAD Details

You can download the CAD data (DWG / DXF) of our profile contours in a complete series (ZIP). In these ZIP files, the profiles are sorted into subdirectories according to their use.

You can find specific terms about intersection drawings of AluKönigStahl, on our AKS Tech Doc. Intersection drawings of Jansen can directly be found in the respective catalogue on “AKS TechDoc”.

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