A 1.2 km long, futuristically designed acoustic tunnel built out of steel and glass was installed on the S8 highway (from Breslau through Łódź, Warsaw to Białystok). Modern, tunnel- shaped glass screens are meant to protect the residents of Bródno, a Warsaw settlement, from traffic noise. This project was implemented using the Jansen System VISS Basic TVS. The KönigStahl Company received technical approval, specifically for this project, from the Straßen und Brückenbauinstitut (Street and Bridge Construction Association) in Warsaw. The goal was to develop a type of construction that could not only meet the high requirements for sound insulation, but would also be easy to implement and visually attractive.
Approximately 60,000 m² of laminated glass panes with the required acoustic parameters and approximately 8000 m² of soundproofing panels were installed for our customer during the building of the tunnel. The size of the tunnel is 2 x 16 m at its narrowest point, and 2 x 32 m at its widest point. Emergency exits are located every 200 m. To guarantee air circulation without the use of a ventilation system, sections of the tunnel are open – close to 15 % of the tunnel area is not covered.