Ventilation Systems, Windows

Schüco AWS 90 AC.SIProduct List


Schüco AWS 90 AC.SI – Natural window ventilation with sound insulation in limited tilt position

Schüco AWS 90 AC.SI is a window system that is especially suitable for buildings in areas subject to noise pollution.
It is an acoustic window solution that, on the one hand, can be fully opened for ventilation and, on the other hand, when opened in limited tilt position, keeps the noise pollution in the building low.
The airflow when the vent is tilted is ensured with prefabricated cassettes in the upper outer frame. The tilt position is held in the sound-insulating position via opening limiters.
Schüco AWS 90 AC.SI can be fully opened to an opening angle of 180° for short cross-ventilation or cleaning, thanks to the concealed Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart system fitting.
Maintenance is easy and is performed by replacing the filter cassettes with the vent open.

Special features

Sensitive rooms, such as bedrooms, offices and children’s rooms facing the street can be naturally ventilated using this window system, without being bothered by traffic noise.

This window offers direct ventilation with high sound insulation at the same time.

  • Schüco AWS 90 AC.SI – the innovative acoustic window
  • Sound insulation in limited tilt position 34 dB
  • Sound insulation with closed window 47 dB
  • Narrow view thanks to profile-integrated sound insulation cassettes (top)
  • Uf value = 1.2 W/(m²K) at 117 mm face width
  • Full opening possible for cross ventilation or cleaning
  • Concealed fitting Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart up to 250 kg
  • Burglar resistance up to RC 2
  • Can be combined with fixed panels
  • Easy maintenance

Technical Information

Windows Ventilation systeme
Highly thermally insulated (1,0 ≤ Uf ≤ 1,3)
Combined pivoting hopper window Fixed glazing Double vent window Renovation window Supply air
Burglar resistant RC2
Decentralized ventilation Raised sound insulation
Magnetic switch control
Alu crude (refinementable)
Sound insulation
Standard up to 38 dB
Key figures
Thermal insulation Uf in W/m²K: from 0,76 to 1,3 Sound insulation Rᵥᵥ,ₚ in dB to: 47 Burglar resistance RC: from RC1 to RC2 Standard face width in mm: 117 Construction depth in mm: 90 Powder: alle Varianten Eloxal: alle Varianten Wet coating: alle Varianten Stainless steel look: alle Varianten Airtightness: 4 Driving rain proofness: 9a Resistance against wind load: C5/B5
Cad Details
AKS TechDoc
Schüco Automotive Finish
Sisteme de profile pentru ferestre Schüco AWS 2014-5.pdf
Feronerie Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart
Indrumar de prelucrare ferestre Schüco AWS cu SimplySmart
Instructiuni intretinere tamplarie Schüco 2014-10
Schüco BAU 2019 Product Highlights
Natürliche Fensterlüftung bei gleichzeitigem Schallschutz 09-2020

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